How To Use Tailwind With Pinterest

Affiliate Disclaimer: This blog post may contain affiliate links where I earn a commission if you sign up through them. However this in no way affects my recommendation. If I recommended it, I have actually used this tool and highly recommend it.

What Is Tailwind?

Tailwind is a Pinterest approved scheduling tool that allows you to schedule your pins to Pinterest. Instead of spending all day long posting your blog posts to Pinterest, you can use Tailwind and schedule out all of your pins for the day, week or month! 

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How To Schedule Pins on Tailwind?

When you create an account in Tailwind and sync your Pinterest account, Tailwind will analyze your pins to determine what time of day isbest for YOUR specific account to pin. There are general times that pins do better on Pinterest but Tailwind tailors them directly to when your followers are online engaging with your content. In addition to the best time your pins should be pinned, they also have additional suggested times. You also have the option to add your own custom times to pin or change them. 

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What Are Tailwind Tribes?

Tailwind Tribes are groups of bloggers on Pinterest who are in a similar niche. They come together as a “tribes” to share and promote each other’s pins.

You can join a Tailwind Tribe and share other people’s content (queue them up in your scheduled pins) while others are also able to share your content. The more people who see your pins, the more repins your pins can get.

What’s wonderful about Tailwind Tribes is that you can discover new content for your Pinterest feed that can add valuable content for your audience. It is also a great way for you to get your pins in front of new eyes as well. 

Directly from Tailwind: 

Tailwind Tribes are feeds of content that bloggers and marketers work together to curate. 

When you’re in a Tailwind Tribe with people you trust, you have access to a constantly replenishing stream of quality content that you can use to quickly fill your Tailwind schedule.

By regularly sharing strong content that isn’t your own to your social media audiences you can increase your credibility as a content source and increase engagement with your own content.

What’s more, when you add your content into a Tribe you get it in front of bloggers and marketers with the same interests as you. They may then choose to re-share your content from the Tribe to their own highly-desirable audiences.

Tailwind Tribes makes collaborative marketing easy by providing clear rules for the Tribe, transparency around who is active in the Tribe, success metrics, and by fully integrating with Tailwind scheduling, saving you time.

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What Is The Tailwind Smartloop?  

The Tailwind Smartloop allows you to automatically recycle your pins on an on-going basis. All you need to do is add them to one of your loops (you’ll have to create) and Tailwind will pin them for your on your predetermined schedule. Looping your content is essentially re-sharing or repeating your content on Pinterest for an indefinite period of time. 

Setting up a Smart Loop on Tailwind makes gives your pins a greater opportunity to be seen.

Directly from Tailwind

SmartLoop was designed to make you a more effective marketer, not to enable a set-it-and-forget-it approach to Pinterest.

With that in mind, there are three things to consider when setting up your Loops:

1.Choose Evergreen or Seasonal

Topics such as food and parenting may be well suited for year-round sharing overall, but individual pieces of content (your Thanksgiving recipes or your back-to-school tips, for example), will perform better when shared at a certain time of year.

2. Set Up Loops So They Publish to the Right Boards

If you only write about one topic which is relevant year round, and all of your blog posts can go to the same list of Boards, great! You could potentially have just one Loop with one Board list that works for every Pin.

But, if you write about a variety of topics, you won’t want all your content to go to the same Boards since Pinning to irrelevant Boards can hurt the distribution of your content.

3. Loop Your Best Pins

Since repeatedly sharing unengaging content can hurt the distribution of all your content, only share Pins your audience engages with. 

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How Much Does Tailwind Cost? 

The basic Tailwind plan is $15.00 per month. It comes with 400 pins per month and 5 Tailwind Tribes. This is a good plan for a beginning blogger who is new to Pinterest and Tailwind. 

Once you get a ton of content, you can upgrade (power-up) to a higher plan that gives you unlimited Tailwind tribes and unlimited pinning. It is $39.98 per month. 

If you would like to try Tailwind out, you can use my affiliate link which will give you a free month of Tailwind (100 pins) that comes with 5 Tailwind Tribes. 

If you would like me to set Tailwind up for you, please click here and we can get started.


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