What is Pinterest Marketing

Affiliate Disclaimer: This blog post may contain affiliate links where I earn a commission if you sign up through them. However this in no way affects my recommendation. If I recommended it, I have actually used this tool and highly recommend it.

Pinterest marketing is using Pinterest as a tool to increase awareness about your business. Pinterest marketing is not just for bloggers. It’s also for small business owners, entrepreneurs and online business owners who want to increase their online presence. Pinterest was created to drive organic traffic back to your website to help increase awareness of your brand or business.

Pinterest is a search engine, but it is unique in that it is a visual search engine that allows users to share visual content, similar to Instagram. However, every Pin can be linked back to your website or other content. It doesn’t matter what product or service you are selling, you can always use Pinterest to make more people aware of your business and lead them to buying from you.

Pinterest users typically use the platform to save ideas and products they want to  remember or come back to later. Pinterest is for planners. Planning for Christmas. Planning for Thanksgiving. Planning for a Trip. Planning for a party. 

You get the picture. 

Pinners use it to bookmark articles or blog posts they want to read later. 

Pinterest is for inspiration, research and buying!

When you use Pinterest for marketing, the idea is to tell your followers that YOU are the go-to business to find useful and reliable information.

So, let’s get down to it. 

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I am not going to reinvent the wheel. There are a LOT of other bloggers who have already written great articles about how to do a lot of these things so if you need help in setting any of this up - go read their blog post (it will be linked) and then come back here to finish up reading so you don’t miss any of these valuable steps. 

15 Strategic Ways To Market Your Business On Pinterest

  1. Set Up Your Pinterest Business Account

  2. Claim Your Website

  3. Determine who your Pinterest audience is.

    1. Ask yourself these questions: Who is my ideal client? What are they looking for on Pinterest? Who do I want to serve? 

    2. Once you answer these questions, use this as inspiration when you create your boards, products, blog about, and what you Pin on Pinterest. 

  4. Get familiar with Keywords (SEO for Pinterest)

    1. Research keywords

    2. Add keywords to your pin titles

    3. Add keywords to your descriptions

    4. Add keywords to your image file names before uploading 

  5. Create Pinnable Images

    1. Pinterest images should be long and narrow to take up the maximum amount of visual space and get noticed! I use Canva to create my pin images. They are 735 pixels by 1102 pixels. 

  6. Create 10-20 Pinterest Boards

    1. Think about your business and come up with a minimum of 10 boards you can create. Ideally, you should have 20 but if you can come up with 10, you should be good to get your account started. 

    2. Use keywords in your board titles and make sure you select a category for each board to help people find it and so Pinterest will recommend your board as well.

    3. Inside each board, you want to pin a minimum of 10 pins. Those first 10 pins on the board should be top quality and evergreen in nature. In addition, the first pin you pin to the board should be a blog article written by you or a link to one of your products. But always remember, these pins should be relevant, valuable, and useful

  7. Enable Rich Pins

    1. There are five types of Rich Pins: movie, recipe, article, product, and place.

    2. When you apply for Rich Pins, it gives you real-time information about your pins which helps you direct more people to your site.

  8. Pin YOUR Content

    1. Use keywords in your descriptions. 

    2. Link your pin back to your website or blog

    3. On your website, include a pinnable image on each blog post

  9. Repin others Content

    1. Remember the goal of YOUR board is to make sure your users know that YOU are the go-to board for relevant, valuable, and useful content. This content should include yours AND others.  

  10. Share your pins and boards on your other social media. 

  11. Post frequently 

    1. You should post between 5-30 new pins to your boards every day. This means your own unique content and repinning the content of others

    2. Warning! Do NOT pin all 30 new pins within a 5-minute span. Spread your pinning throughout the day. You can use a schedular like Tailwind to help you with this. 

    3. Click this link and get a free month of Tailwind. (This is an affiliate link. That means I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

  12. Follow other boards in the same niche

  13. Watch your analytics (Pinterest, Tailwind and Google). 

    1. If you have not set up Google Analytics for your website DO IT NOW!! Google Analytics gives you a really good measure of who visits your website. 

  14. When you’re ready, try using Promoted Pins

  15. Use a Call To Action Pin

    1. Just like a call to action on a social media post, include a call to PIN. For example: pin this for later!

There you have it! If you’ve read to the end of this blog post and followed all of these steps AND read the other blog posts/pages I’ve linked, you should be all set to market on Pinterest. However, if you have read through all of this and you still feel overwhelmed, please reach out to me and I would be more than happy to set up your Pinterest Business account and/or Tailwind to get you started.  As a Pinterest VA (Manager) I provide a one-time fee for Pinterest and Tailwind set up and I also provide monthly management services. You can see my prices here

See you on Pinterest! 




Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Getting Set Up


What Is Pinterest Management