Lifestyle Raquell Barton Lifestyle Raquell Barton

Why Every Virtual Assistant Should Take Time for Self-Care

The life of a small business owner or entrepreneur can be hectic and sometimes stressful. Your to-do list keeps growing and you want to see results; you want to see progress. Practicing self-care is essential to stay healthy and happy for you, your business, and your family. Get these 13 easy self care tips for virtual assistants and small business owners to help you balance your 9-5, your family, and your dream business.

As someone working hard to pivot and build a coaching business, when I also have a full time job, it is incredibly difficult to make time for myself unless I schedule it in. 

If you're anything like me your day is packed with "stuff to do." 

If you have a 9-5 like I do, that means your day doesn't 5. 

And if you have little ones at home, having a moment to yourself isn't easy to come by. 

When you get home your day is far from over.

You have to help with homework, cook and get dinner on the table, clean, spend quality time with your significant other, read to the kiddos, get them ready for bed, throw a load of clothes in the I need to go on? 

How do you balance a 9-5, your family, and starting a business with self care? 

Self care you need so you can continue to do "all the stuff" and still be a productive person in each aspect of your life. 

What Is Self Care?

According to Everyday Health, “Self-care is not synonymous with self-indulgence or being selfish. Self-care means taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, you can do your job, you can help and care for others, and you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in a day.” me, self care looks different for everybody. Carving out time for self-care, even if it’s only 15 minutes a day, is essential for you to care for others and run your business. Practicing self-care is essential to stay healthy and happy. Self-care is so important if you want to keep you and your business running because what use would you be to your family or your business if you’re not happy and healthy?

Why Self Care Is Important For Virtual Assistants and Small Business Owners

Let’s get real here. Running a business is hard. And the tasks that keep your business moving forward are not going to stop. It’s hectic and it’s stressful and rewarding. But what you don’t want to happen is anything in your business or your family life slipping through the cracks because you haven’t taken the proper steps to take care  of yourself. 

These self care tips are for you if:

  • You struggle to find enough hours or minutes in the day for yourself

  • You feel guilt whenever you’re not working or doing for your family

  • You’re stressed and frazzled and feel like you’re on a never ending hamster wheel

  • Your health has taken a back seat because you haven’t made it a priority

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13 Simple Self-Care Activities For Virtual Assistants and Small Business Owners

Sleep In

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I love naps. I have ever since I was a teenager. What I love more though - sleeping in. Especially on a Saturday. Now, I know this may be hard if you have little ones at home, but if you can bargain with your kiddos or your significant other, try to sleep in at least one Saturday every month. 

Make The Most Of Your Commute By Listening To A Podcast

I love listening to business podcasts. Especially if they help me level up my business. My commute to and from work is about 10-15 minutes. I use that time each and every morning to listen to one of my favorite podcasts. Yes, it’s business related, but I find it relaxing and the self-care I need to get me in the mood to jump start my creativity when it comes to my business. 

Schedule Free Time

If you keep a calendar and literally schedule every second of your day, schedule in your free time. Even if it’s only 30 minutes once a week. Schedule in some time to sit and meditate, read, or watch a favorite TV show. 

Spend Time With Friends

If you have a best-friend or a group of friends, don’t forget that you need your girl time. I have a best friend (30 year friendship) and a group of friends (20 years) that I love dearly and I love spending time with. The friendship and the laughter is so cathartic to my soul. In fact, we’re taking a girls trip to New Orleans in a couple of weeks to celebrate a birthday. I can’t wait! 

Get Enough Sleep

I’m a night owl. I admit it. I am my most productive at night and that’s terrible for a person who loves to sleep AND who loves naps. But I cut myself off at a certain time every night to make sure I get enough sleep so I’ll be productive the next day.  

Read An Engaging Novel or Work of Nonfiction

I love to read. It’s one of the reasons my 9-5 is as a high school librarian. I get to spend my day surrounded by books and I help teenagers develop a true passion for reading. My favorite genre is mystery. There is nothing like escaping into a mystery novel trying to figure out who-done-it! I don’t read non-fiction as much as I should, but I don’t discount the helpfulness of non-fiction novels, especially if they help me in my business. 

Get a Manicure and Pedicure

Okay ladies, this is one of my indulgences. I get a manicure and a pedicure at least once every two weeks. I’m not a shopper, I don’t like going to malls unless it’s an outlet and I’m on vacation. If you see me in a mall it’s because I’m shopping for a specific item and once I find it, I’m out. Seriously. But I LOVE a mani-pedi. You will never catch this girl without cute fingers and toes. 

Binge Watch A Short TV Series (6-8 episodes)

I’m a TV watcher. I admit it. There are some shows that come on every week that are a must watch for me. But something I love to do is binge watch short series so I’m one, maybe two days, and done. Working my 9-5 and running my business takes up a lot of my time but I will take a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, if I can, and binge watch shows I’ve recorded throughout the week or a series I’ve been wanting to watch in one afternoon. How many of you watched Bridgerton? 

Get a 1-Hour Massage

This is a recent indulgence. Once a month I go get a massage. About 6 months ago I started having severe pain in my neck and shoulders because of the amount of time I spend watching a computer screen. So I get a massage once a month to help alleviate the pain. 


Now this is one I need to start. It’s been so hot out that it’s hard to walk around a track without the heat beating on my neck and I’m not an early riser. Remember, I love to sleep in and take naps. But this is something I need to start. I encourage you to do so as well. Even if it’s a short walk around your neighborhood. 

Get A Hobby

My hobby is reading but if there’s something you’ve been wanting to try, knitting, painting, pottery, etc. why don’t you spend a little time and invest in a hobby. 

Establish A Routine

If you have young children or kids involved in lots of activities, this is a must. Like the schedule I mentioned above. Establish a routine for everything: mornings, evenings, bedtime, when you’re going to work on your business, AND your self care. If you make it a habit, part of your routine, you’ll never miss doing it. 

Take Breaks

This may be an unpopular opinion, but take mini-breaks away from your business. Your to-do list is always going to be there. Your social media is always going to be there. But taking a short break away from your business is a must to re-energize and re-focus. 

Well, that’s it. Add one or two of these self-care activities to your routine. 

Remember, no matter how much you need to do in your business to tick off boxes on your to-do list; no matter how much your family needs you to help them do “all the stuff” -  you should always take a few minutes to yourself each and every day. 

You’ll be happier if you do.

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Lifestyle Raquell Barton Lifestyle Raquell Barton

What's Your Word of the Year for 2022

How are those new year resolutions going? That’s what I thought. Have you ever thought about coming up with a word of the year instead? Here's how to be successful and make it work for you! Here’s an easy step by step guide to help you choose your word of the year. #wordoftheyear #intentionalliving #choosingawordoftheyear #2022wordoftheyear

This post was originally published on January 2, 2019. It has been updated as of December 28, 2021.

One thing I’ve learned about in the last five months is that showing your face on your social media is important!

I’ll let you in on a little secret.

I hate taking pictures and I hate myself on video.

I’m not necessarily shy. I’m not an introvert.

But I do have a fear of putting myself “out there" like that.

Times have changed. When I started my virtual assistant business, the necessity to make videos on an ongoing basis and reels did not exist. And that was only 3 years ago.

Now, if you want to be successful you have no choice. So in 2022, I’m going to embrace taking more pictures, creating videos and reels; and putting my face on my social media.

So, my word for 2022 is VISIBLE

*****2019’s post*****

January 1, 2020, has come and gone.

Can you believe it?

A new year brings fresh starts, new possibilities, and new goals.

Did you have a great 2019?

I did! I started a new business, made a whole bunch of online friends who kick-ass as coaches, graphic designers, social media managers, podcaster’s and more! Whether you had an awesome 2019 or not, it’s a new year with a clean slate and I want you to skyrocket through 2020 full throttle with a purpose.

This year I ditched the “new years resolution” hype that always left me feeling guilty if I slipped up and didn’t accomplish what I set out to do. Instead, I picked a word of the year. Last year I picked ELEVATE (see last year’s post below). And I succeeded. I elevated my life personally. I elevated my online business. I elevated my relationship with Christ.

I think that’s a pretty damn good year.

For 2020, my word of the year is CREATE!

I picked CREATE as my word of the year because I’m on a mission to quit my part-time job by creating a passive stream of income.

I started an Etsy store.

I started a new Blog.

I plan to start a Shopify store before May 1.

Plus, I still have Virtual Assistant and Pinterest clients.

So yeah, I’m busy…but I’m NOT tired. I’m STOKED! I’m EXCITED! I’m on a MISSION!

I’m hoping this year brings about all the wishes and dreams I have for myself and for my kiddos and my fellow online entrepreneurs.

Have you picked a Word of the Year?

If you haven’t or are wondering how here are a few things you can do to help you come up with your word of the year.

What Area of Your Life Would You Like To Change?

Reflect on your life right now. Is there anything in your life you’d like to change, improve or upgrade? Are you struggling with anything?

Brainstorm A List Of Word Choices.

Now that you’ve reflected, what words come to mind? Grab your journal or a piece of paper or pull up the notes app on your phone and free-write every word you can think of. Give yourself several options. Look at the list and determine if any of the words are actionable. Are any of the word choices something you can put into action every single day for the next year? I picked the word CREATE because it is actionable. I’m going to create coffee mug designs and sell them in my Etsy store. I created a worship journal that I self-published on Amazon and I have plans to create more. I’m going to create and sell a bunch of stuff in my Shopify store.

The word CREATE is actionable. So, whether or not I create one mug or 100 mugs, 1 journal, or 20 journals, I’m already on my way toward a creative year.

Pick A Word Of The Year

Don’t allow yourself to pick more than one word. You might be tempted to pick more than one word once you see your list but the point of this word of the year is to focus on ONE thing you can be purposeful about. Pick the one word you know will help you create action steps so you will be successful. Once you pick your word of the day, print your word out and make it visible so you can see it every day and begin to put it into practice each and every day.

I hope these steps help.

Let me know in the comments what word you picked and why.

*****2018’s post*****

What’s your “anchor” word or “power word” for the year? I’ve seen a lot of this in several #womenempowerment or #virtualassistant groups I’m in since becoming an entrepreneur. It’s weird to write that. I never thought I’d be an entrepreneur. My father was an entrepreneur so I guess I got the bug from him. The excitement I feel about it is hard to explain. But I’m ecstatic about helping other #entrepreneurs and #smallbusinessowners with their businesses.

Power Word.

Most of the posts I’ve seen are about selecting a power word or anchor word that you use to motivate you to succeed as an entrepreneur the entire year. The first word that came to my mind when I began my VA business was “elevate.”  As an entrepreneur, I wanted to elevate my business so it’ll be one of the go-to virtual assistant companies online. I want it to be successful. I want to work with amazing clients. If that means I only work with ONE client. I’ll be happy with that. If I work with TEN clients, of course, I’ll be happy with that as well. But what I really want is to provide EVERY client with the best service possible. power word or anchor for the year is


Six other power words I think ALL entrepreneurs should aspire to are:


Not just for you, but for your clients or customers as well. If your clients see growth and they can attribute that growth to something you helped them with - then they will continue to be a client or customers.


Every day. This is something I know I’ll have to do to grow my business. I can’t take days off. At least not right now. One day I know I’ll be able to, but starting out, I know I need to grind each day so my business will be a success.


Hustling for clients every day is a must. In whatever form that takes, I have to do it actively. Whether you are an online business owner who sells clothes or jewelry, a stylist looking for new hair boos, a consultant looking for your next speaking engagement or company - we all have to hustle.


One of my virtual assistant offerings is social media management. Some companies don’t realize the potential or customer growth they can achieve just by growing their social media presence. Not only must your client be on social media - you must be on social media as well. It’s a must. Especially if you do not have a website. At the minimum, you need a Facebook page so your client has somewhere to go to read about you and know you’re legitimate.


Dream big. Whatever your goals are for your business AND personal life, dream big. If you dream BIG then you will GRIND and HUSTLE to make those dreams come true.


Find a true balance between work and your personal life. You MUST or you’ll burn yourself out. Your business needs you - but more importantly, your FAMILY needs you to be active and present in their lives. After all, you are doing this for them. You are growing a legacy for them to have and to be proud of when you’re gone.

I hope these power words/anchor words help you. Use these or find your own. Find a word that will continue to motivate you every day this year.


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