Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Eye Catching Pins

Affiliate Disclaimer: This blog post may contain affiliate links where I earn a commission if you sign up through them. However this in no way affects my recommendation. If I recommended it, I have actually used this tool and highly recommend it.

We have made it to week 4 of the Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account blog series. 

Last week we discussed the fact that your Pinterest boards are what brings your ideal customer or client to your Pinterest profile. If you missed any of the other previous weeks you can go back and read how to set up your Pinterest business account and how to optimize your Pinterest profile. 

Over a six week period I’m going to be sharing everything you need to do to create the Perfect Pinterest business account. 

Week 1 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Getting Set Up

Week 2 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Your Profile

Week 3 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Your Boards

Week 4 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Eye Catching Pins

Week 5 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: When To Pin

Week 6 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Extras

This week is all about your Eye Catching Pins! 

Eye Catching Pins1.pngEye Catching Pins1.png

Creating clickable pins on a regular basis is a must with Pinterest. Part of your on-going Pinterest strategy should include creating pins...for your new pins AND your old pins on a continual basis. 

So let’s talk about creating Eye Catching Pins for your Pinterest Business Account. 

Pinterest “Pin” Graphics Should Be Vertical and Have a 2:3 Ratio

The ideal pin size for a Pinterest graphic is 2x3 / 600px X 900px. You can make longer pins if you feel the need to do so, but do NOT make them smaller than this. This size is ideal for people who are looking at a pin on their computer or on a mobile device. 

Create a Minimum of 3 Pins for Each Blog Post/Product/Recipe 

Every pin is not going to appeal to everyone. Remember, Pinterest is a “visual search engine” so how your pin looks at a first glance is what’s going to appeal to your ideal client. In addition, creating more than one pin allows you to test out different phrases/titles and pictures, especially if you decide to promote a pin. 

Text Overlay is Easily Readable (especially for mobile)

Make sure the text you include on your pin is easily readable and is in direct contrast to the images on your pin. Don’t use “light” text on a “light” background or “dark” text against a dark background because it will make your pin very hard to read. You want your text to “pop” on the image so it will draw the eye. 

Name Your Images with Keywords

When you upload your images to your website make sure you name the image with a keyword similar to what you are blogging about or what your product is. Don’t leave the image name as “image101.”  You want your pin to show up on Pinterest AND Google and naming your images helps with this. 

Eye Catching Pins3.pngEye Catching Pins3.png

All Pins Need to Lead to a Post/Landing Page/Product - NOT your Homepage

I can not stress this enough. Everything you pin to Pinterest needs to lead to a SPECIFIC blog post, landing page, or product page. NOT YOUR HOME PAGE!!! Pinterest likes NEW content. If everything you pin sends pinners to your homepage that is NOT new content. Pinterest is going to think it is more of the same (or spam) and will not push your pins to the front of the “feed” so make sure you link your pin to the exact page the content is located. Plus, you don’t want pinners who actually want to read your content to go to a page that does not contain the information or product they are looking for. Nothing irritates me more than clicking on a pin to read about something and the link takes me somewhere else. Pinners will lose trust in you if you do that.  

Use Your Brand Colors and/or Logo and/or Website URL on Each Pin

When you create a pin, you want to use your brand colors on every pin. EVERY PIN!!! You picked those colors for a reason. They mean something to you. So, use them in your marketing. On Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest - use your brand colors so YOU stand out from the crowd. “Your” tribe will recognize pins that belong to you. A good idea for Pinterest pins is to create mock-ups that you can alter each time you create pins so it won’t take you an enormous amount of time because creating different pins each time you post a blog can be time consuming. But, if you find 4-6 designs you really like (or get someone to create them for you OR buy a bundle you can use over and over IT WILL SAVE YOU TIME!!! I brought this great bundle from Melissa LeMay (The Graphic.Maven) for $25 and it’s all I use now (this is NOT an affiliate link - I just really like her designs). So if you have a creative design flair and can do it yourself, create about 4-6 mock-ups you can use OR find someone to create them for you OR buy a bundle of pins from a graphic artist or a Pinterest Manager who includes creating pins in their packages (like me). 

In addition, include your logo or your website url on every pin. Again, this is about branding and getting pinners used to seeing your content and what you put out. Do not leave this step out. 

That’s all for this week! 

If you followed all of these steps, you should have everything you need to create Eye Catching Pins

Next week we will talk about When To Pin to your Pinterest Business Account! 

This is week 4 of the Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account series! Again, if you missed any of the previous weeks you can go to any of the links below to read about Getting Set Up, what to include in your Pinterest Profile, and how to set up your Pinterest Boards. 

Week 1 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Getting Set Up

Week 2 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Your Profile

Week 3 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Your Boards

Hop on over to Instagram and let me know how it’s going. 

Also, please pin me on your Pinterest business account, I’d sure appreciate it. 

Want Help With Your Pinterest Pinning Strategy? Schedule a Pinterest Strategy Session with me here. I’d love to help. 


Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account - When To Pin


Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account - Your Boards